Old Events

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The 17th International INGED ELT Conference
Theme: “Rise & Shine”
23-25 October 2015

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Venue: Cankaya University, Ankara

Topic: Literacy development strategies for dyslexic language learners.

Presenters: Anastasia Metallinou & Anna Petala

Find out more: http://inged.org.tr/

English Sounds Fun will have a stall at the book exhibition. Please come and say hello, have a look at our sample materials and place your orders.


Anastasia Metallinou (co-author of English Sounds Fun) and Anna Petala have the honor of presenting at the 17th International INGED ELT Conference in Turkey.


Please visit English Sounds Fun’s stall at the conference’s book exhibition.

We are looking forward to meeting you at there, show you our materials and place your orders.

2-day WORKSHOP on the ENGLISH SOUNDS FUN METHOD of teaching.
28-29 November 2015

Click for more information

Using the English Sounds Fun method of teaching

A 2-day workshop exploring the English Sounds Fun method of teaching language to students with SpLDS (such as dyslexia), presented in co-operation with DCS – International Publishers Exhibition.


Venue: Mediterranean Palace Hotel 3, Salaminos str. Thessaloniki, 54626, Greece

Date and time:

Saturday 28th November 2015, 11.00 – 18.00

Sunday 29th November 2015, 10.00 – 17.00


Presenters: Dr. Anne Margaret Smith & Anastasia Metallinou


“An experience that EVERY teacher should have no matter if they teach students with learning differences or not.”

“Great experience, definitely worth both our time and money, the method could not be more complete.”


Programme and book your seat: http://www.englishsoundsfun.com/course-thessaloniki-greece-28-29-november-2015/

Introduction to dyslexia and Εnglish language learning. Find out more about dyslexia and the other SpLDs and how they impact language learning.
16 January 2016

Click for more information

Venue: Istanbul (city centre venue)

Topic: Introduction to dyslexia and Εnglish language learning. Find out more about dyslexia and the other SpLDs and how they impact language learning.

A 6-hour seminar offering information about dyslexia (and other Specific Learning Differences such as dyspraxia and AD(H)D), how they impact on language learning, and what we can do to support our learners.

Presenters: Dr Anne Margaret Smith & Anastasia Metallinou

Price: 80 euros

Includes 6 hours of training; handouts to take away; certificate of attendance; 2 x coffee breaks (but not lunch).

Booking deadline: Please book before Wednesday December 16th 2015 to ensure you have a place at this event.

Programme and book your seat: http://www.englishsoundsfun.com/course/istanbul-turkey-16-january-2016/http://www.englishsoundsfun.com/course-istanbul-turkey-16-january-2016/